Playing with Fire - The Sequel

A new god is rising, an insane god with enough power to create a horrifying new future for humanity. And the one person who should have the power to stop his rise is quickly succumbing to the Curse of Thuellai, robbing her of her long-term memory and turning her into someone even she doesn’t recognize.

But Liadan isn’t powerless yet. She has attitude and she’ll need it in the new fantasy sequel “Playing with Fire”


Playing with Fire No SpineWhat do you do when the worst thing in the world happens to you? We tell ourselves that is why we have friends and family, people we can turn to in our darkest hour, but that’s not the truth. When we love people we try to shelter them from our horrors and hurts; we pretend everything is okay when the world is splitting open beneath our feet. We tell them not to worry as we drop into the flames below. We lie.

A new god is rising, an insane god with enough power to create a horrifying new future for humanity. And the one person who should have the power to stop his rise is quickly succumbing to the Curse of Thuellai, robbing her of her long memory and turning her into someone even she doesn’t recognize. But Liadan isn’t powerless yet and it will take all of her wit and perseverance to put a stop to this would-be god, to perform one more miracle, before the next threat rises: Liadan the Forsaken.

You can download “Playing with Fire”, the exciting sequel to the Torc of Anubis at

5 Star

5 Star Review

Bought this for my boyfriend who likes mythology and stuff. Next thing I know I’m reading it. There are so many details going on in the story I started looking them up. The author wasn’t just making stuff up. Strange names and stories I found one right after the other. The blend of the different mythologies even follows a logical kinda sense. The whole things is fascinating. Also, Ms. Kellerhals has this way of writing that splits between feeling like an old friend telling you a story and sitting around a fire at the feet of your grandmother hearing about how things used to be. I wanted the story to go on and on. Maybe the next one will be printed in a book I can hold in my hands. Either way I’ll read it. So should you. Amanda

5 Star

5 Star Review

I wasn’t too sure about this book at first. A friend recommended it and its not my usual kind of book. I sat down to try it out and looked up the first time 3 ½ hours later. I can’t believe how easy it was to read and how involved I got with the characters. The relationship between Liadan and her familiar is funny, sad and just really complicated in this great great way. I really hope the next book comes out soon. After the way this one ended, I can’t wait to find out what happens next!






4 Star



4 Star Review

“The Torc of Anubis” is, at its core, an urban fantasy story. The stakes are high, the feats are incredible, the fights dramatic, and the protagonists larger than life. What sets it apart from other stories in its genre, though, is the incredible amount of thought put into this world and its inhabitants. Ione Kellerhals clearly did her anthropology and theology homework. Part of the essential backdrop of the epic is that the world religions were all derived from a single story based on the Norse Ragnarok. The deities engaged in this conflict and their representatives on earth (of which our protagonist is one for an analogue to the Sumerian Inanna) are all supernatural beings whose separation from other realms is out of necessity to keep the worlds from being destroyed. Part of our heroine’s task is to keep the barriers between these worlds intact to prevent unnecessary chaos from plaguing the earth. To sum things up, it’s a variation on a familiar theme, but it throws enough in there to shake things up and keep you from calling the ending. They say that the lead character of a series should be someone you’d feel comfortable taking a two-week long road trip with and still be willing to get back in the car and do it again, and I got that feeling from Liadan. The ending raises a lot of questions, and I am very, very willing to stick around to see them get answered. Writer Thing

Playing with Fire

Book Two in the Urban Fantasy series, Dawn Child: a myth in modern times

What do you do when the worst thing in the world happens to you? We tell ourselves that is why we have friends and family, people we can turn to in our darkest hour, but that’s not the truth. When we love people we try to shelter them from our horrors and hurts; we pretend everything is okay when the world is splitting open beneath our feet. We tell them not to worry as we drop into the flames below. We lie. A new god is rising, an insane god with enough power to create a horrifying new future for humanity. And the one person who should have the power to stop his rise is quickly succumbing to the Curse of Thuellai, robbing her of her long memory and turning her into someone even she doesn’t recognize. But Liadan isn’t powerless yet and it will take all of her wit and perseverance to put a stop to this would-be god, to perform one more miracle, before the next threat rises: Liadan the Forsaken.